A change of pace

In a world that currently feels so closed down, it still feels like a lot of things are happening at the same time. Today I said good bye to a majority of my colleagues who had their last day at Local Glimpse — something I too will do in two weeks. It’s a bittersweet moment because nobody really expected an outcome like this in the beginning of the year but unfortunately this was simply not a choice. But! As Michael Jordan said in the documentary ‘Last Dance’; when something negative happens, turn it in to a positive. So I try to see this as an opportunity rather than a loss. An opportunity to celebrate what has been and to celebrate what is yet to come.

As I’m writing this, I’m currently in the recruitment process for a very exciting job at one of Sweden’s biggest telecom companies. It’s all being done remotely, something that I hadn’t been too fond of until now. It has actually surprised me how well the interviews have worked out. I almost feel as if I’m able to retain information better than in a physical meeting. There’s no worrying about commute problems, finding the right address, and body language — so that’s something (not so) new that I appreciate! I have to deliver a work sample, and then we’ll see what happens. Fingers crossed!

That being said, it sure feels as if there is a change of pace in the air. Although I have my ups and downs, I ultimately feel optimistic about the future. A lot of people are chanting for the cancelation of 2020, but as far as I’m concerned, 2020 is not over yet and I intend to make the most of it. So should you!
